If you could have a life redo would you? Have you ever given this question serious consideration? If so you are not alone. I believe most of us have thought this at one point or another. I dare to insinuate the reasons behind a yes response are a result of hurt, fear and life experience.
Perhaps you’re thinking if I could redo this life I would not marry him/her! If I could redo this life I would have treated my mother/father better in my teen years and caused them less heartache and worry! If I could redo this life I would take the trip to Europe that I turned down because of money! If I could redo this life I would have told her/him/them I loved them more often! If I could redo this life I would have forgiven that person and mended our falling out and damaged friendship/relationship! If I could redo this life I would regret nothing and live in the moment!
You fill in the blank……if you had a redo what would you do differently? Now lets seize the day! I know that this sounds cliché . It becomes more and more apparent as I get older the necessity to set our priorities straight. I want us all to live a life that we do not desire a redo from.
Taking risks is scary. Risks with our lives, dreams and emotions can feel overwhelming. So what we do instead is hide and scurry and play it safe. The fear of failure and rejection are very powerful. In our hearts we hear the whispers of desire, longing and callings and yet we continue to put them aside for “another day”.
Maybe when things settle down, maybe when I get that raise I have been waiting for, maybe when the kids are older, maybe once I am retired……. How about maybe never? This pretty much equates to the same thing in my book. In reality we are not promised tomorrow. In fact we are not even promised the rest of today.
This does not insinuate that I am promoting irresponsibility. Please do not go out and spend your life savings on that luxury vacation you have always wanted. Don’t marry the man you met two days ago because you have read my blog and want to live in the moment. This would be me giving you very bad advice and it is never my intention to lead you astray.
What I intend with these words is this, live responsibly but live without regret. So if that luxury vacation is something you truly want, find a way to save for it and make it happen. If you want to be a better parent then take a class and start working on it today. If you want to tell those you love what they mean to you more often than find opportunities to do just that.
Our biggest hurdle in this life is living under the paralyzing fears and hurts that life has taught us up until this point. Life is going to continue to be messy. You will be hurt, you will be disappointed, you will get your good intentions thrown back in your face and you will lose those you love. Let these things serve as lessons in life and in love. Do not let them serve as a hindrance to your next adventure.
Some homework for everyone today is to write yourself a letter. Entitle it Dear Me, and in this letter are all the regrets, what if’s and if only’s. Write them all down and allow it to serve as your guide to the wonderful things you aspire to still do. There is no better motivation than to see all the things we have let slip by written and right in front of our face. Starting today you will no longer be a slave to fear!
As always I am here. I am here to walk beside you as you uncover your Dear Me letter. These are not easy to write so lets seize the day together, you can reach me at mybeachtherapy.net.