One of my all time favorite quotes was formed by the brilliant mind of Michelangelo, “I saw an Angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” There is not a love button big enough for my affections for this quote. Allow me to explore with you the reasons why that is.
We all have goals, visions, ideas and something to contribute to this beautiful world. As we get older, life has the tendency to make us bitter. This bitterness dilutes and sometimes extinguishes our passion. Imagine a world where every person lived to their highest potential. Where nothing and no-one formed a barrier to our creativity.
Where we looked at something and saw potential and not “another pipe dream”. This is what our beloved Michelangelo is alluding to. He saw the angel before he could formulate the question of how……. He saw and he carved until it became reality. Marvelous! So what passions and ideas do you have bubbling inside? What is holding you back from carving until you set them free?
We are brought up to fear, to walk away from our passion in pursuit of what is easy and what makes sense on paper. But is that really what you were brought on this earth to do? If you automatically say no, without question, without second guessing then you know that you still have angels that need carving.
Realistically I am under no illusions. I realize this seems far-fetched and even impossible to some. However, ponder this thought for minute before going back to the grind and washing away all creative thoughts. What if the reason it keeps re-entering your thoughts is because its supposed to be there? What if that outlandish idea can’t be shaken because its part of your life’s purpose to complete it?
I challenge us all to think of our passions and dreams as callings and not just fantasy. As the result of imbedded fear as a world we are missing one colossal step. We all have something wonderful to contribute, many times multiple things. I know that to my core. Many of us do not get to see those passions and dreams manifest themselves because we keep them in check and in the safe zone.
Step one, write down your dream and passions. Step two, tell your dream and passions to a close confidant. Step three, look at that written dream every morning before rising and imagine what it would be like to live it. Last step, do something everyday, no matter how small to inch your way toward the impossible. If you or someone you know needs someone to walk beside them while you develop the courage to pursue your passion call or message me at Beach Therapy. I would be honored to take that journey with you.