Drama! We have all partook in it, we have all been victim of it and we have all been affected by it. If you are shaking your head no, then you are either lying to yourself or you have a hard time looking at your short comings. But the truth is we have all been subject to drama, both our own and other people’s. The question then becomes how do we step away from this destructive path?
The best thing you can do is realize the only person you can control is YOU. So let us all stop pointing the finger at other people’s drama and take a closer look at our own. Yes it is uncomfortable, yes it is so much easier and feels so much better to shift the focus off ourselves. But this solves nothing because we have no control over what other people think, feel, project or how they react to life and drama.
So get uncomfortable and put yourself under the microscope. Nothing gets changed if we can’t first acknowledge it is there. We need to unearth our own part in creating the drama. Be honest with yourself and recognize what the drama has fed in your life. What I mean is, how has it served you? If it didn’t serve you it wouldn’t continue to manifest itself in your life. The answer is likely an unhealthy one but again being honest with ourselves is the only way to grow, expand and change.
If after we have done all this self work we still have the urge to point fingers and shift the blame, I have a simple solution. It comes back to a sentence I wrote at the beginning of this, the only person you can control is YOU. So do not be the victim here, be your own hero. Shift it back to you. What can you do to change the circumstance or the outcome of the drama? What can you do to stop feeding this person’s need to bring drama into your life? What can you do to react differently when these situations present themselves?
We can’t control what other people do, say, feel or create. But we can control how we let it affect our lives and our happiness. So take that and run with it. Change your reaction, change your stance on the subject and take your power back. Other people’s drama needs to stay just that, OTHER PEOPLE’S. And your drama needs to be examined, dissected and then corrected.
As always, if you need someone to walk beside you on your journey toward a drama free life please feel free to contact me at mybeachtherapy.net