I was recently asked by a client “Is it ever to late to chase a dream?” Call me a perpetual optimist but I did not blink before answering confidently…. NO! This blog is going to open up the reasons why I feel so strongly about this. I think we all get to an age or get to certain junctures in our lives were we have this exact cognitive battle in our heads. What is next? Is it to late?
What I want to encourage everyone with is one simple idea….. If not now then when? We have a short time on earth and I am learning with each passing year just how quickly it all goes. Fear is a liar and it’s this internal whisper that tells you that you’re to old to chase dreams or the thought that you will fail so why even try. Failure is part of living, we all fail at things throughout our lives. If the fear of failure keeps you from trying then you’ll have to live with a life long case of the what if’s .
Life is meant to be lived and for pursuing dreams. If you have ever taken the time to talk to an elderly friend or a terminally ill person you will find one common thread. If there are regrets they are dreams not pursued, trips not taken and a life not fully lived. Those that come to the end of their days and are content are usually those that have lived this life exactly the way they wanted. This doesn’t mean everything went their way or that they were void of disappointment, hardship or failure. It means they went after their dreams and lived a fulfilling life despite what knocked them down. The saying that we are not promised tomorrow so live for today is how we should all be living.
Let’s address the logical part of our brains that turns to realism and ultimately…. money! The part that says, yeah its all great to say pursue your dreams but who is going to pay for that? As a single mom I had this very conversation with myself before going back to school to get my masters degree. I have this conversation with myself before every family vacation, before I purchased my house and before all big financial decisions. Needless to say I fully understand this vantage point and speak from experience. Experiences of both successes and failures.
Nothing worth achieving comes easily. We have to work hard and plan accordingly. Obstacles are meant to help us overcome or find new ways. All to often we let obstacles become our downfall. The excuse we give ourselves to blow the candle out and give up. Instead I challenge you to use opposition to ignite and fuel you. Take it as a challenge, a learning lesson, something that will make you stronger and I promise you will start to get more inventive and overcome.
If you have a dream and it lights you up inside then you will find a way. We should never compare our lives or our dreams to others. This makes us feel stuck, defeated and less than. Every journey is different but I promise nobody has the perfect life no matter how easy someone else’s seems. What you see on social media is exactly what that person wants you to see. Their journey is theirs and yours is yours. Concentrate inward and achieve the dreams in your heart.
May we all be chasers of our dreams! I believe in a world were this is possible. I also believe in humanity and in helping others achieve their dreams. Pay it forward! If your dreams continue to be fruitful then help others as often as possible. Be the outreached hand, the words of wisdom or the listening ear to someone struggling to believe in their dreams or who’s dream chasing failed.
I am always here should you need someone to help shed light on dreams you extinguished years ago out of fear. We will be dream chasers together! “Come for the Counseling stay for the Change”.