We are what we eat and we become what we think! If you do not believe this then I would stop reading now. This post is about taking the above statement seriously and working from the inside out. This concept seems simple and many of us use the language. However, we are hard pressed to find large quantities of people who live within the discipline of this statement.
If we truly are what we eat then why are we eating so badly? This is not a judgment, as I too am guilty of this. This is a blanket statement meant to invoke thought and challenge us to get uncomfortable. I am not saying we should never give into guilty pleasures as I think life is for the living. However, if we open our eyes we could see that the majority of us are eating badly most of the time and leaving the nourishing food for the every now and then…….if ever!
In reality we should be eating the nourishing food as a habit and leaving the splurging for occasions. We got it backwards and need to start re training our brains to enjoy the things that will sustain us. Then when the times arise to eat the extra piece of cake or the greasy meal we can fully enjoy it with no guilt.
I encourage us all to take better care of ourselves and part of that is watching what we eat. Not for vanity purposes but because we love ourselves. In loving ourselves we want to give ourselves the best possibility at living a long healthy life. Eating healthy does not guarantee this unfortunately as many of us have sadly learned. It does however without a doubt boosts our chances.
We become what we think…….. We sure do!! Your thoughts matter and you speak to no person on this planet more than you speak to yourself. Why then are we the meanest and most critical with ourselves? If you do not think this applies to you then I challenge you to pay extra close attention today. Attention to that internal dialog that is constantly yapping its jaw in-between your ears.
You may be surprised at the negative things you say to yourself. We can be overall positive people and find ourselves with a plethora of negative cognition’s that we were not even aware of. Because our self talk is constant we can easily tune it out. Much like your child who can easily tune you out, you also can tune yourself out.
So pay attention, if we do not know its a problem we can not fix it. Paying attention to it will allow you to more easily interrupt it. By interrupt I mean literally stop the thought in its tracks and change its course. Putting a positive spin on a negative thought pattern. It is harder than it sounds but with practice this becomes second nature.
We often find ourselves perplexed as to why our goals are not achieved and why things never turn out as planned. The stop button often lies in our own minds. If that is not motivation to pay attention to your thoughts then I am not sure what is. This is me bluntly and boldly stating that the control button you thought you lost along the way has been within your grasp this whole time.
If you or anyone you know is struggling to achieve whole health and would like someone to walk beside you or them, please reach out. If not to me then to another professional that you feel a connection with. Whether that be a counselor, a nutritionist, a personal trainer or even a life coach, just take that first step. I have referrals for each of these as well, so you are never without guidance.